Humboldt Lodge No. 79 – September 2024


Greetings brothers.  

 September is here and we have a few events coming up, including a 3rd degree for Brother Toland. Please see below for details. 

 Quote of the month:  

Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. – Theophrastus.   

Upcoming events:    

September 5th, Thursday – Stated Meeting 

September 8th, Saturday – Yard cleanup at the Lambos. Brothers, if you are free on the 8th, please consider visiting with the Lambos starting at 11:30am to help with some yard and garden cleanup. 

September 12th, Thursday – Brother Toland Proficiency and 3rd degree practice at 6pm. 

September 14th, Saturday – Humboldt Lodge Open House at 12pm to 3pm 

September 19th, Thursday – 3rd degree for Brother Toland at 6:30pm 

September 26th, Thursday – Cornerstone Meeting at 6pm. All lodge officers are invited. 

September 28th, Saturday – Cornerstone ceremony. Grand Lodge opening at Humboldt Lodge No. 79 starting at 9am. 


Dan Sarver  
Humboldt Lodge No. 79