To whom it may concern, We are planning on having our Installation of Officers for the ensuing Masonic year on Saturday, December 7th, 2024 at Eel River Empire Lodge #147, at 2 pm. It will be an open event and all are welcome. Refreshers will be served after the installation. Could you please put this […]
Category: Eel River Empire #147
Eel River Empire #147 – Upcoming 3rd Degree
All, We will be conferring a 3rd degree upon brother Johnny Johnson Sr. on Wednesday, September 25th at Eel River Empire Lodge #147. We plan to open at 7 and beginning the degree at 7:30. All Master Masons are welcome. Fraternally, Mike Flockhart, WM
Eel River Empire #147 – 2nd Degree
We will be conferring a second degree at Eel River Empire #147 in Fortuna on Wednesday, April 17, at 7 pm. Thanks, WM Mike Flockhart