Our meeting on August 7 was a nice one. We had a potluck that included hot dogs and various side dishes and desserts and enjoyed each others’ company prior to the meeting. Then we had an ante room meeting to accomplish our business before going our separate ways.
Reports were made of the successful Afternoon Tea benefiting Paws for Purple Hearts which raised about $1,683, plus a donation from a generous benefactor (who will be missed very much) of another $1,000, and of the delivery of the prizes and monetary donation to the Humboldt County Library for their Summer Reading Program.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, with a “Salute to Teachers!” and a school supply drive. For your information, this was another service event that was brought up by and supported by Brother Lee. Refreshments are at 7:00, meeting at 7:30. Attire is business casual. Please bring school supplies to adorn the East and spill over into the West. The supplies will be donated to Alice Birney School.
In the meantime, I hope you have all RSVP’d and plan to attend the reception for our Grand Electa Deanna Bay on August 31 at 7 p.m. in Loleta and the brunch honoring our Deputy Lisa McCombs on Sunday, September 1, at 11:00 a.m. in Arcata. Both of these ladies are very special people, and it’d be so great to support them and show them our appreciation and love.
Looking ahead, our meeting on October 2 is a Teddy Bear (and other animals) Picnic with refreshments at 7:00 and meeting at 7:30. It is also elections night, so if you aspire to any elected office, please remember to have your signed paper on the dais stating what office you aspire to with two signatures by other members of the Chapter nominating you for that position. You do not have to be there in person, but your paper needs to be present for me to read under elections. Thank you!
Please remember we are a small Chapter, so it is important to attend the meetings if you are able to ensure we have a quorum so we can conduct business and vote on things.
Both our September and October meetings will be long form for our officers so we are sure to conform to the OES rules about such things.
Also please check the articles being posted on northcoastmasons.com by our Chapter and other Chapters, by Masonic Lodges, youth groups, etc., to keep up with everything that is going on in our District area.
I look forward to seeing everyone on September 4.
Take care, and be well, and thank you for being you –
Joni Hewston, Worthy Matron
Camellia Star Chapter No. 63