Ferndale Chapter No. 23 – February 2024

Happy Heart Fund Month!
February is a great month to remind Chapter members of California Eastern Star Foundation’s Heart Research Fund. Donations to this fund go to an organization of the Worth Grand Matron or Worthy Grand Patron’s choice, to help with research about heart-related issues and treatments.

Here are the three major dates for your February calendar:

February 14th – Ferndale’s meeting falls on Valentine’s Day! Refreshments will be served beforehand, 6:45 p.m., provided by Leslie. Our meeting begins at 7:30. Attire: Business Casual. Valentine colors encouraged. Proficiency Party anticipated. Plans include honoring Brother Lee Astorino’s 25-year membership. Property Committee, Nancy, Liz, Helene and Christie, please be prepared to present the committee’s annual report.

February 24th – This year’s Official Visit of the Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron is combined with a Membership Event. Join the fun and invite friends to a complimentary tour (usually $25 per person) of the historic Scotia Lodge. Although the time for the OV is listed as 7 p.m., plans are in the works to begin tours at 6 p.m. for those able to arrive early. Tour group size is limited to 16; multiple groups are planned. Attire is casual. Dessert-type refreshments will be served during the evening.

February 25th: All-Member Instructional. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Ferndale Masonic Hall. This is Members only instructional and we look forward to having all members of the district present. Bring dues card. A nominal charge is anticipated to cover cost of food (breakfast snacks and
sack lunch).

Happy Birthday to members celebrating in February!
Geoff Wright, 2/14; Liz Lorig, 2/27; and Andrea Guggenbickler, 2/29.

May your hearts be happy!
Nancy Bay, WM and Kirby Bay, WP