Six Rivers Lodge No. 106 – October 2024
Brothers and Friends;
A busy month of September was seen at Six Rivers Lodge, starting with our First Responders Appreciation Dinner on 9/11. A Tri-Tip dinner was catered for the Arcata Fire and Police Departments with everyone having an enjoyable and emotional time. Several attendees had friends or relatives who were there or knew someone who had lost their life. In fact, the Grand Master stated that he hoped we would continue this gathering in years to come. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this event a success. On September 28th, Grand Lodge came to the North Coast for two Cornerstone ceremonies, one at the Eureka High School Gym and the second at the Blue Lake Rancheria Health Center. Both ceremonies were done in the finest Masonic Tradition, rivaling the Capital cornerstone ceremony presided over by President George Washington. If you were not there, you missed an important Masonic Ritual; for no two are ever the same and they are all impressive . Go to Humboldt #79’s Trestleboard to view pictures of the two events.
Our October Stated Meeting went well (less than 50 minutes); Brother Mitch Reid, our newest Brother Mason was also in attendance. Many important items were discussed from the handling of our finances to upcoming events occurring through the end of the year. We will be honoring two of our Brothers for their hard work and commitment to our Lodge. Brother James Irving is our Hiram Award recipient for 2024 and will be honored on October, 13th at 2PM at the Six Rivers Lodge in Bayside. Brother Jonathan Abidari is our “Mason of the Year” honoree and will be honored at a ceremony at Eel River Lodge in Fortuna on October, 24th at 6:30 PM. Please try and attend and support our worthy Brothers. Hall Association Meeting on October 29th at 6:30 PM, please all come and see the many Lodge improvements which are occurring as I write this missive.
Moving into November, we will honor our Veterans with a dinner and fellowship on November 12th starting at 6:30PM. Some kind of “beef” with sides will be served. On into December, we will finish up my year with our Installation on December 8th at 2PM at Six Rivers Lodge #106 in Bayside.
George Durfee, WM