Six Rivers Lodge No. 106 – October 2024

Brothers and Friends;

A busy month of September was seen at Six Rivers Lodge, starting with our First Responders Appreciation Dinner on 9/11. A Tri-Tip dinner was catered for the Arcata Fire and Police Departments with everyone having an enjoyable and emotional time. Several attendees had friends or relatives who were there or knew someone who had lost their life. In fact, the Grand Master stated that he hoped we would continue this gathering in years to come. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this event a success. On September 28th, Grand Lodge came to the North Coast for two Cornerstone ceremonies, one at the Eureka High School Gym and the second at the Blue Lake Rancheria Health Center. Both ceremonies were done in the finest Masonic Tradition, rivaling the Capital cornerstone ceremony presided over by President George Washington. If you were not there, you missed an important Masonic Ritual; for no two are ever the same and they are all impressive . Go to Humboldt #79’s Trestleboard to view pictures of the two events.

Our October Stated Meeting went well (less than 50 minutes); Brother Mitch Reid, our newest Brother Mason was also in attendance. Many important items were discussed from the handling of our finances to upcoming events occurring through the end of the year. We will be honoring two of our Brothers for their hard work and commitment to our Lodge. Brother James Irving is our Hiram Award recipient  for 2024 and will be honored on October, 13th at 2PM at the Six Rivers Lodge in Bayside. Brother Jonathan Abidari is our “Mason of the Year” honoree and will be honored at a ceremony at Eel River Lodge in Fortuna on October,  24th at 6:30 PM. Please try and attend and support our worthy Brothers. Hall Association Meeting on October 29th at 6:30 PM, please all come and see the many Lodge improvements which are occurring as I write this missive.

Moving into November, we will honor our Veterans with a dinner and fellowship on November 12th starting at 6:30PM. Some kind of “beef” with sides will be served. On into December, we will finish up my year with our Installation on December 8th at 2PM at Six Rivers Lodge #106 in Bayside.


George Durfee, WM

Six Rivers Lodge No. 106 – August 2024

My Brothers and Friends,

Busy times here at Six Rivers #106. First of all we are doing a few degrees from First to Third. July 13th saw  our annual Michael J. Vertar Memorial Outdoor degree at Wor. Steve Jacobs Estate in Fieldbrook. This year we Raised Br. Charlie Johnson to the degree of Master Mason; congratulations my Brother, we already have a place in the line prepared for you. Skipping ahead to August 27th, we will be Initiating a new brother at the Lodge starting at 7 PM. Mr. James R. Reid (Mitch) will be welcomed into Masonry and it is hoped his new Brothers -to-be will all attend.

A good time was had by all 22 Masons, their family and friends at our Lodge Crabs game and BBQ night on July 23rd. Tri-Tip steak was cooked by Br. Charlie Johnson, which was enjoyed by all; we even got free Crabs hats to honor the 80 years of Crabs baseball in Arcata. Our next big event will be the District wide Picnic in Fortuna on August 11th, starting at Noon. Come for the BBQ beef and  stay for the good fellowship. Again this year, a chili cook off will be judged with prizes and everything!  All chili is welcome. Please bring your specimens in a warming dish and they will be dealt with in a proper manner.  Looking into September, we will be honoring our local First Responders with a BBQ dinner on September 11th at the Lodge. We are inviting the Arcata Police and McKinleyville Firefighters as well as our Lodge Brothers and families. On September 28th, We will be assisting Ca. Grand Lodge in placing two Corner Stones, one at Eureka High School starting at noon and the other in Blue Lake at their new Health Center starting at 3 PM.  There is much to do and your help would be appreciated.

Thank you George Durfee, WM #106

Six Rivers Lodge No. 106 – July 2024

My Brothers and Friends,

Greetings on this beautiful 4th 0f July Holiday. We will have a busy and hopefully fun and productive month here at “ye olde lodge”. Our big event is our Outdoor Third Degree for Brother Charlie Johnson on Saturday, July 13th starting at 11 AM. We will be holding the degree at Wor. Steve Jacobs Estate out in Fieldbrook. A BBQ lunch will be provided at Noon with massive amounts of fellowship permeating the air. These outdoor degrees are few and far between and are an exciting Masonic Event; so, come on out and support our soon to be newest Master Mason.  Maps will be provided upon request.

Continuing in this vein, we will be initiating our new candidate, Mr. James M. Reid (Mitch) on August 27th at 7 PM at Six Rivers Lodge. Come and help welcome our newest Mason.

This month’s family and friends’ event will be our journey to the Crabs Game on July 16th, starting at 6:30 PM. We have reserved the picnic area on the left field side of the stadium at the Arcata Ball Park. We will be providing grilled Tri-Tip steak and assorted sides at no charge. So sign up your family and come out and join us. A good idea to bring a jacket and some comfy lawn chairs; picnic tables are provided.

Important business meetings occur on July 23rd at 7 PM, the Hall Association Meeting and on July 30th at 7 PM, School of Instruction (All #106 Officers must attend). As time permits, we will be honing our skills on Mexican Train Dominoes as well.

Looking ahead, August 11th is our District Wide Picnic in Fortuna and on September 11th our First Responders Dinner. Let’s not forget our Grand Lodge Corner Stone Event in Eureka and Blue Lake on September 28th.


George Durfee, WM

Six Rivers Lodge No. 106 – May 2024


Greetings from the Oriental Chair. Our Lodge had several special events over the last month, starting  with a Crab Feed on March 24th. We had a good turnout with 125 pounds of crab being consumed. Pictures of some attendees: 

The Jacobs Clan. 

Milt and Bill enjoy the crabs.

Our donations to help the community.

Humboldt Girls Fast Pitch Softball – The” Rain”. $500′

Upcoming events for May and June. On Saturday, May 25th at 9 AM we will be placing Masonic flags at Greenwood Cemetery for Memorial Day remembrance. That evening at 6PM we will be hosting Humboldt 79 for a BBQ on our back lot. We will be sharing food, fires, cigars and Scotch. There should be a lot of Fellowship as the night progresses. May 28 at 9AM we will return to Greenwood Cemetery to collect our flags;  all are welcome.

On Saturday, June 15th, we will be at the Humboldt Trap and Skeet Club for our annual intra District Trap Competition starting at 10 AM. Fortuna is the reigning Champions. June 18th will bring up our annual Six Rivers Festive Board which will start at 6 PM at the Lodge. This year it is Beef Stew and vino toasting. 

We are planning on an Outdoor Third Degree on Bro. Charley Johnson sometime near the end of July at Wor.  Steve Jacobs  Fieldbrook Estate. Also, we cannot forget the SOI on June 8th at 10 AM up in Crescent City, where we will cover the First Degree. 

Before I forget, much Fun was had at the Elk’s Lodge “cook your own steak” on April 19th, 19 of us were in attendance.

Hope to see you all, sometime down the road.

George Durfee, WM

Six Rivers Lodge #106 – April 2024


This being the month of April, the first order of business is the listing of this month’s special activities. Our Stated meeting is on April 2nd, starting with dinner at 6:15PM, provided by Gary and Heidi Quintrell. Business meeting is at 7:00 PM; which is the new official time. On April 19th we will adjourn to the Elk’s Lodge for “Cook your own steak” Night which starts at 6:00 PM. The cost will be $27 for the meal. Please RSVP to George Durfee at (530) 262-0986, all are welcome. April 27th at 10:00 AM will be a School of Instruction at Humboldt Lodge, all Officers are required to attend.

Our new website is up and running, it can be accessed at I have updated our lodge calendar now thru the end of June so please get used to checking in for our activities. We are practicing the Third Degree Ritual, in order to prepare for our next “ raising “in the coming months. It is imperative that all Officers show up as we have several new men who need the instructional help.

I assume a good time was had by all at our Crab Feed which occurred on March 24th; 140 lbs. of crab can’t be wrong. Congratulations to Bro. Barry Smith on being installed Exalted Ruler of the Eureka Elks Lodge.

This Trestleboard should be uploaded onto our new website if I can figure it up. Also we should be able to display pictures there as well; stay tuned.

George Durfee, WM